What is Pilates?

Pilates is a low impact form of exercise that was developed in the early 1920s by Joseph Pilates, and was formerly known as “Body Contrology”, now referred to as “Pilates”. It aids in alignment, building muscle tone, and overall balance within the body. The Pilates method helps develop strength and stamina, without overloading the body with strain. The content within the Pilates realm is vast, and therefore can be tailored to suit all body types regardless of age or prior experience.

How is Pilates different from other forms of exercise?

Pilates is unique in the way that it takes into account the body moving as a whole, integrating all ranges of motion. It is low impact, and therefore appropriate for those with joint issues. Pilates works on integrating breath, movement and concentration, and prepares you to not only connect to your body in the studio, but carry what you learn into your daily life.

“Pilates is the complete coordination of body, mind and spirit” —Joseph Pilates

What are the benefits of Pilates?

Benefits of Pilates are abundant! It is well known for building abdominal strength and core support, but is much more nuanced than that. Pilates helps improve alignment, specific to the individual. It builds strength and stability for your entire structure. Pilates connects to your breath, and as a result many feel an increased sense of vitality and energy. Above all, movement is liberating and fun. You might be amazed at what your body can do!

Can I do Pilates if I have an injury?

Absolutely! Pilates is an optimal choice for those dealing with an injury, but Private sessions to begin are recommended to ensure that you are moving safely, and allows me to tailor the workout specifically for your body and address your injury to aid in recovery. If you are joining a group class with an injury, please let me know before-hand so that I can do my best to guide you safely through the class. If you are unsure whether Pilates will be appropriate for you I encourage you to speak with your health care provider.

How often should I do Pilates?

Any amount of Pilates that you work into your routine will be a benefit. Ideally, participants practice 2–3 times per week, although the more the better!

“In 10 sessions you’ll feel the difference, in 20 sessions you’ll see a difference, and in 30 sessions you’ll have a whole new body” —Joseph Pilates

What do I need for a Virtual Session?

Virtual sessions are done via Zoom, so you will need a device where you can see me, and I can see you. Because Pilates involves sequencing through the spine, a mat is recommended for safety, the thicker the better. Ideally you will have space to move freely, so make sure that furniture is out of the way! Most sessions incorporate Fletcher Towel Work, you want the length of a bath towel, but the thinner the better so that you can grasp it easily.


Why Choose Pilates?


There is an abundance of choice when it comes to movement and exercise, so why choose Pilates? I believe that Pilates is an exceptional movement modality, and is suitable to meet a variety of needs and goals. The benefits of Pilates are varied, whether you are looking to alleviate pain and discomfort, reduce general tension and stress, gain increased muscle tone, strength and awareness of your body alignment and posture, or simply for the joy of movement. My personal approach is to address the body in front of me, so that I am able meet each individual’s needs, and create a plan that will work for you, and grow with you.